Breakfastmeeting: “Retail… What else?”

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Breakfastmeeting: “Retail… What else?”

How to deal with the ever evolving “new retail”-concept that smoothly integrates digital and physical?

How to invest in “sustainability”, “circular economy”, and “customer astonishment” without risking our profitability?

How to deal with trends as “sharing of goods” that will affect our sales?

How to optimize our real estate portfolio when online sales are booming? …

It’s clear that all retailers have to embrace the challenges of this “new retail” in order to take care of the planet, their clients, teams and shareholders, but also in order to survive !

Moreover, all retailers, developers and politicians, have to exceed the classic discussion about “off- and online retail”, between “peripheral and city centre stores”, and between “independent retailers and chains”.

Therefore the above mentioned questions will be submitted to a panel of experts and interactively discussed with all participants, because …

Retail … what else ?

See you in Cannes!

november 13 2019


Datum: 13 november 2019
Duur: 08:30 - 11:00
Event Categories:
Website: Bezoek


MAPIC Conference

Palais des Festivals
Cannes, Frankrijk